Recurring characters

Alan Westrope adwestro at
Fri May 5 01:17:40 CDT 1995

On Thu, 4 May 1995 23:25:50 -0400, <LOT64 at> wrote:
> I'm interested in the recurring characters in Pynchon's work.  Its always fun
> to find them in another book, like coming across long lost friends.  Of
> course there's Pig Bodine, bringing chaos where ever he goes and challenging
> the forces of control, Kurt Mondaugen, Bloody Chiclitz, am I missing any?
>  Lt. Weissmann of course.  Any others?  Any spec on their place in the grand
> design of things?  Do any recurchars show up in Vineland?  Comments, ideas?

"Yrjo -- a pretender but the true king, for a very doubtful branch of the
family usurped the throne in 1878," shows up in Mrs. Quoad's dream in _GR_,
p. V119/B139, and, as I recall, as a spectral presence in "The Secret

Come to think of it, the stories in _Slow Learner_ include many recurring
characters, but I don't have the book with me and I'm reluctant to trust
my memory around this learned bunch!  I'll try to make a list over the
weekend if nobody beats me to it.

Awaiting the Commemorative V-E Day Launch of 00010,

Alan Westrope                  <awestrop at>
__________/|-,                 <adwestro at>
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