
Aaron Yeater AYEATER at
Fri May 12 14:37:22 CDT 1995

Just curious:

I am wondering what TRP's parsing experiment with the phrase "You 
never did the Kenosha Kid" is all about--Is it an exercise in 
literary teasing, as Joyce often does in Ulysses, or part of the 
amytal dream (or both, i guess...)  The question is--what do people 
think  pynchon is attempting to do with the variations in parsing of 
that phrase?  Is it possible that "You never did the Kenosha Kid" is 
'just a phrase,' that the real action is found what he does with the 
presentation of the phrase...

"And my heart laughed: my name
a perfect snare, had trapped him."
      -The Odyssey, Book IX     

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