Worst joke in GR?

Nigel E. Richardson Nigel at impolex.demon.co.uk
Sun May 21 08:19:56 CDT 1995

Just started rereading Gravity's Rainbow for the first time in a couple
of years, and on page 11 of the UK Picador edition, I noticed a truly
awful joke I'd previously missed:

"He's driven out, away, east over Vauxhall Bridge in a dented 
green Lagonda by his batman, a Corporal Wayne."

Is this a one-off, or yet another source for names in GR, the alter-egos of
comic book characters? 

Nigel E. Richardson

--------------------------H E Y   S P A C E W O M B A T S !-------------------
Swing low in your weep ship, with your tear scans and your sob probes...
http://turnpike.net/metro/N/ner/index.html - is that photo meant to be ironic?

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