"V-men" In reply to m0sDmcW-0006

Frank Kruse zoyd at thing.contrib.de
Wed May 24 08:54:00 CDT 1995

<PNOTESBD # CNSVAX.UWEC.EDU>@42:1002/3.2 meinte am 23.05.95 zum Thema ""V-men" In reply to m0sDmcW-0006"
im Brett Frank Kruse at 42:1002/3.9:

<PCUE> Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 12:44:35 -0500 (CDT)
<PCUE> Wimpe is the V-man in GR.  V-man stands for Verbindungmann
<PCUE> (apologies if I've misspelled the German).  These were

Verbindungsmann, that is. but you are right. even nowadays we call these  
men working for the german secret services like the BND, MAD or the  
Verfassungsschutz like this. it a common word for these guys.


<PCUE> international salesmen/agents/spies of IG Farben; therefore, the
<PCUE> reference to them as intelligence agents makes perfect sense.
<PCUE> The only difference is that it appears from the studies out
<PCUE> there on IG Farben that the V-men swore company allegiance
<PCUE> before country--which, of course, fits into the cartel structure
<PCUE> that Wimpe tells Tchitcherine about.
<PCUE> Duffy

                         zoyd at thing.contrib.de
                      zoydcehc at sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de
                             IRCnick Zoyd
                  PGP-Public Key available on request!

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