
Paul J. Mackin mackin at
Sun Oct 1 14:32:13 CDT 1995

This is mainly a private reaction to the word. From the first, I
associated it with a popular song of the day -- "Amapola".

"Amapola, my pretty little poppy . . . "

The girl's name, of course, means "poppy". And opium is the
quintessential psychotropic substance. Imipolex as well as
being a material _had_ to be psychotropic.

Don't remember if the song receives mention in GR. I kind of think
it might. Incidently, there was a scatological version little boys
used to sing starting off with "Ram-a-pola up your . . . ", but I doubt
this ever got written down so that Pynchon would have had access to

			Paul J. Mackin

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