Ergots and LSD
White, Rich
Rich.White at FMR.Com
Mon Oct 2 06:51:00 CDT 1995
I believe that the morning glory seeds sold in stores are treated with
something to make them unpalatable. I think that if you harvest them
yourself (from your next door neighbor's vine) you get better quality. But
I don't know this from personal experience.
BTW the best source for all this is The Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic
Plants (yes, THOSE golden guides). It's superb.
.*++From: Burgess, John
.*++To: CO27447; SY19058; lej1rxm
.*++Cc: pynchon-l
.*++Subject: Re: Ergots and LSD
.*++Date: Monday, October 02, 1995 5:10AM
.*++<<File Attachment: HEADERS.TXT>>
.*++Sh- Shure don't want to get into a slanging match, but morning glory
.*++seeds (LSM) can make one puke just as much as peyote. Probably due to
.*++the myriad of other chemicals in the seeds, supplemental to LSM, but not
.*++for the faint hearted or weak of stomach. (Personal experience in a land
.*++far away and long, long ago.)
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