John Clute

Paul DiFilippo ac038 at
Mon Oct 9 18:08:18 CDT 1995

John Clute's personal writing style is pretty well represented
by the sample I posted.  He's well worth reading--probably 
SF's best critic--and I can reccomend the volume from which I
excerpted:  LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE (Serconia Press), due out
shortly.  Having met him, I can say he bears no resemblance to
TRP, and also has an extensive "backstory" of his own not 
consonant with Boeing, Long Island, Vineland, etc.

Paul Di Filippo/2 Poplar St./Providence, RI 02906/401-751-0139
Motto of the Pronoids:  TISATAAFL:  "There is such a thing as
a free lunch!"

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