Pics of Pynchon

John B. Fink jbfink at
Mon Oct 9 22:45:53 CDT 1995

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 21:27:56 -0500
From: boneill at
To: pynchon-l at
Subject: Pics of Pynchon

>Fellow Pynchonauts,

Hmm.. reminds me of a 1000 Homo DJs song (nevermind, y'all :)

>In asking this, I feel like some perv on an groping for gifs, but
>I'll ask anyway: who has info on where I can locate the few extant photos
>of Pynchon? I understand that a critical study bears his likeness on the
>back cover, but I don't know the text. And I don't exactly have ready
>access to old Cornell yearbooks either.
>Also, does _Pynchon Notes_ still exist?

Dunno if it still exists, but here at the library where I work (Miami 
University, also quite close to where Pynchon Notes was/is published), 
there is/was (tense exercises, anyone?) an issue of Pynchon Notes with 
the photo of Our Boy as he appeared either late high school or early 
college; endearingly geeky.  If someone (Dr. Krafft, mebbe, and if it's 
kosher for me to scan it) could tell me the issue, I'd be happy to go and 
dig it up.

-- john "adder" fink, king library systems, miami university, oxford oh

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