u.s.w. & 'South West Africa'

Chris Stolz cstolz at acs.ucalgary.ca
Thu Oct 19 20:59:17 CDT 1995

Hey, if you are interested, Pynchon read a book called _Let Us
Die Fighting_ which is about Von Trotha's Vernichtungsbefehl and
a fascinating, if horrifying, look at colonial policy.  What the
hell, you probably already know it all.  Anyway, it's a good
book.  Apparently, he came across the Sued-West Afrika stuff by
accident int he public library in Seattle...and found it fit well
into his book.


chris stolz				16 Oakview PL. SW Calgary, AB
cstolz at acs.ucalgary.ca			Canada T2V-3Z9 (403) 281-6794

...raise the roof cos it's all on fire, not done by the sun or electircal
wire, not done by sons striking matches with daughters but done by 
scratches so save that water..

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