Boring holes

Scott Weintraub scottw at
Mon Sep 11 20:02:00 CDT 1995

A bunch of people sent me e-mail about the Pynchon/DeLillo class that I'm 
taking and one asked for a list of the books we are going to read so I 
decided to post it here seeing as a few other people might be interested.

The actual name of the class is Major American Writers After 1865.  
Pynchon and DeLillo happen to be the chosen ones this semester.  I am 
returning to college after taking some time off and after switching my 
major from Computer Science to English, this class was a nice treat.

We read the following books in this order:  "V," "The Crying of Lot 49," 
"Gravity's Rainbow," (part 1 only) "Vineland," "End Zone," "Great Jones 
Street," "White Noise," "Libra," and the short story "Pafko at the 
Wall."  I also picked up "Slow Learner."  It isn't required and he won't 
discuss any of the stories in class but he recommended we read it on the 
side at some point.

*     Scott Weintraub  -  scottw at  -  College Park, Maryland     *
*    "The bounties of space, of infinite outwardness, were three:  empty    *
*         heroics, low comedy, and pointless death."  -Kurt Vonnegut        *

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