UMd Pynchon/DeLillo Class

John Roca tribe at
Mon Sep 11 23:30:11 CDT 1995

At 11:01 PM 9/11/95 -0400, WKLJAZZ at wrote:
>Scott --
> I'm sure I'm not the only thinking this:  despite the consdierations of time
>inherent in drawing up a semester reading list, assigning only part I of
>GRAVITY'S RAINBOW is the equivalent of telling someone to go to the theatre
>and walk out after watching only Act I of a play or, uh, maybe telling
>someone to get in the shower and only shampoo a quarter of their hair.
> People will tell you that reading GR is a task, and they're right.  But if
>you finish Part I, then you're ready to go all the way.  If you only read
>Part I, you really are missing the show, not to mention leaving yourself
>-- Will Layman
While I'm not sure that reading the rest of GR leaves one with a feeling of
being less-baffled, I nevertheless agree that Act 1 is only a small part of
it....Scott, you must read the whole goddamn thing.


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