UMd Pynchon/DeLillo Class

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at
Wed Sep 13 06:57:36 CDT 1995

> Which brings up the question: has anyone here ever taken (or know
> of someone who's taken) a course in which the entire GR was
> assigned?
> I took a course several years ago in which we read ALL of Proust's
> Remembrance of Things Past, a novel longer than GR if not denser.
> We averaged about 400 pages per week. Enjoyed the book, by the way,
> but don't think I'll be signing on to the Proust list anytime 
> soon.
> KJ
My first reading was in a SUMMER course with Judith Chambers.  BEst 
course I ever took.  We also read VINELAND, J.R., CARPENTER'S GOTHIC, and 
some Raymond Carver stories.  

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