Unabombast, Festering Manifesto

John Roca tribe at primenet.com
Wed Sep 20 21:36:56 CDT 1995

Hmmmmm....says a lot about the ability, or lack thereof, of college 
professors to teach writing.  However, I will assume that you read the 
manifesto and can critique the same.  Interesting how the intelligentia 
criticizes writing style when they are the focus of an attack.

This is not a flame!  Honest.


tribe                                     __  __     ____  ___       ___ ____
tribe at primenet.com                       /__)/__) / / / / /_  /\  / /_    /
                                        /   / \  / / / / /__ /  \/ /___  /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Wed, 20 Sep 1995, Daniel Stein wrote:

> It couldn't be Pynchon - no one who writes that well could blather on for
> nearly a hundred pages writing with (according to K. Sale):
> > the leaden language and stilted diction, the fondness for sociological
> >jargon and >psychobabble, and the repeated use of "we argue that" and "we
> >now discuss" and the >like, (that) make it certain that this was written
> >by someone whose writing style, and >probably whole intellectual
> >development, was arrested in college
> Daniel J. Stein        {; < 0>         stein at magma.geol.ucsb.edu
> Geological Sciences                http://www.geol.ucsb.edu/~stein
> University of California        (805) 893-8130 (voice)
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106        (805) 893-2314 (fax)
> ...In the country of the bland, the one odd man is king.

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