Wildforest's White Visitation

Tresy Kilbourne tresyk at halcyon.com
Wed Apr 24 00:28:17 CDT 1996

>I too have looked for that article but have never found it.  Admittedly my
>reading of the Voice is sporadic.  If I remember correctly the author's name
>was Jeff St.Clare.  You might be able to check it out in the Reader's Guide
>to Periodical Literature.

Actually it's Jeffrey St. Clair. He publishes a newsletter called 
Wildforest Review. He also co-authors weekly columns on "Nature and 
Politics" with Alexander Cockburn, trenchant leftie and erstwhile denizen 
of Aptos, CA, during thre 80s, where TRP was rumored to have worked on 
Vineland. I highly recommend his (and Cockburn's) columns. If nowhere 
else, you can read them in the Anderson Valley Advertiser.
>Someone's reply to one of his posts pissed him off and he signed off the list
>in annoyance.  Too bad, he wrote some interesting stuff.

I did not know that. I had wondered where he went. Yes, he's very good; 
his posts here were under the moniker "Steely." If anyone turns up the 
article in question I'd love to read it.

Tresy Kilbourne
Seattle WA
tresyk at halcyon.com

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