Another Pynchon list??

David L. Pelovitz dqp5805 at
Thu Apr 25 09:38:55 CDT 1996

From: John M. Krafft <krafftjm at>

Last Saturday's _New York Times_ ran a story about contemporary salons
which mentioned in passing an online salon, Echo, where a Pynchon discussion
has been going on for six years.  Does anyone on the list know about Echo 
or about the Pynchon discussion going on there?  Is it simply a point of access
to _this_ six-year-old discussion?  If not, are its archives available
somewhere?  Thanks.

When i read that segment, I took it to mean that Echo was
an e-salon in the sense that it was a cafe with access.  And it
was in that physical space, not on line, that the conversation
took place.

David Pelovitz - dqp5805 at

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