Duplicate Postings and DFW

Schmidt, Dan dfan at lglass.com
Thu Apr 25 17:54:04 CDT 1996

Murthy Yenamandra sez

| Re: the DFW list, I heard from Matt, the admin of waste now on his way
| to the zone, that the list was all set to go, pending some matters to
| be worked out with/between the volunteer owners. In fact a 'lists'
| command to waste shows the following as one of the lists running on the
| system:
|   wallace-l            David Foster Wallace and his works.
| And 'info wallace-l' shows:
|     Welcome to wallace-l - David Foster Wallace and his works
|     The help file for this list is not in place yet.
|     Write to dfan at lglass.com or mbrehm at flagcococopl.lib.az.us for more
|     information.
| Perhaps the said volunteers can tell us what's going on?

Said volunteer will gladly tell you that what's going on is that
he's been a lamer. Actually, I think we're all set to go,
Mr. O. Xymoron having done all the dirty work.

Try sending mail to waste at waste-org with the subject line

    subscribe wallace-l

You have nothing to lose but your disk space.

Dan Schmidt  |  dfan at lglass.com  |  http://www2.lglass.com/~dfan

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