
David Nevin Friedman namdeirf at gwis2.circ.gwu.edu
Wed Aug 7 10:57:11 CDT 1996

The truth!

'Nuff said.

David Friedman
namdeirf at gwis2.circ.gwu.edu

Ignorance breeds complicity.

On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:

> Kinda feel off-put being a sports watcher from some of the sports 
> rantings.  I think what sports  particuarly the pro variety has lost 
> (like everything else) is its mythological underpinnings, its sense of 
> somehow being really important, or different from the harsh world out 
> there.  My Dad when he speaks of baseball when he was growing up is 
> mighty different from my experience now.  My point is one can still 
> experience the joy of any game between the white lines (no pun intended 
> there) but as for pennant races, statistics, and such , well they're not 
> so important anymore.  To put all sports watchers into this mean, 
> snarling, drooling group of androids sounds frankly like calling all 
> Germans Nazis (current debate nothwistanding), etc. (many though they're 
> are)
> Isn't criticism always better coming from someone who loves what they 
> crtiticize, to see it become something better?  You guys out there who 
> don't like sports and your sociological spewings, OK I respect your 
> opinion, but since you don't watch, why are you so interested in taking 
> sides?
> Hell I hate ballet (love football) but I'm not gonna scream at the 
> ballerinas to get a life...
> Richard Romeo
> Coordinator of Cooperating Collections
> The Foundation Center-NYC
> 212-807-2417
> rromeo at fdncenter.org

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