Seven whatevers

Scott Wyant scott_wyant at
Fri Aug 16 16:23:51 CDT 1996

A. Walser wrote:

Pynchonites --
	I have a question that has nothing to do with Pynchon -- or even,
I think, with 20th-century literature.
	An acquaintance of mine once came across a list of activities --
gardening, music, and so on -- that she remembers as "the Seven Arts" or
"the Seven Graces." 

Hello Andrew et al.

I don't know if this can be considered authoritative, but the magazine
"Seven Arts," published in Philadelphia, has a home page decorated with
icons for what THEY, at least, consider the Seven Arts.  If I translate
those icons correctly, those arts are:  writing, architecture, dance (I
think), theater, music, sculpture and painting.  You can try your hand at
them, or drop them a note and ask.  They may be found at:

Scott Wyant
scott_wyant at

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