Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America

Eric Alan Weinstein E.A.Weinstein at
Mon Dec 2 17:34:33 CST 1996

I was just wondering if anyone has done any work on 
Pynchon's knowledge or use of "The Vinland Sagas".
I came across this doing some research, not on
the great Pynchon, but  on William T Vollman.
The book I have aquired, through the good auspicies of 
Jermey Cranswick, is by Magnus Magnusson and Herman Palsson.
Published by Penguin in 1965, it is a translation of 
Eirik's Saga and the Graenlendinga saga. The title is 
The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America.
The Penguin is, I believe, a reprint of a NYU press 
U.S. edition.

Hoping for some interesting replies,

Eric Alan Weinstein
Centre For English Studies
University Of London
E.A.Weinstein at

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