
Henry M gravity at
Mon Dec 2 19:15:51 CST 1996

On 27 Nov 96 at 14:52, David Casseres wrote:

> >>As for the feminism topic...I recall once seeing a panel
> >>discussion by and about feminists/feminism.  One of the panelists
> >>brought up Camille Paglia. This panelist was immediately set upon
> >>by the others (or should we say Others?) and squelched.  They
> >>didn't want to hear the name Paglia, they didn't want to discuss
> >>her position.  Seemed like a bit of "prejudice" to me.
> >>
> >>Joe
> >>
> >Just for the record, Paglia herself has been physically
> >assualted--as in punched out--by folks who didn't want to hear what
> >she had to say about contemporary victim-based feminist thought.  
> Best comment I've seen on Paglia was from Molly Ivins, who said
> "What an asshole."  Everybody's already heard what Paglia has to
> say; expecting to get it listened to all over again by a feminist
> panel is about as bright as trying to read a Louis Farrakhan speech
> at an Anti-Defamation League fundraiser. 
> Cheers,
> David
Your suggestion that a feminist panel would necessarily be as 
partial and, here's that word again, "prejudiced" as the 
Anti-Defamation League is a stereotype of feminists that I, an avowed
feminist, would not have expected from you. 

Your challenge to find feminists that pay some attention to Camille
Paglia suggests to me that your acquaintance with feminists is limited
to the monolithic/party line variety that Ms. Paglia criticizes. Of
course Paglia isn't right about everything, but the idea that there
are certain tenets of any system that should not be questioned for the
good of the whole is fascist fundamentalism.



Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Aw, what the heck: go bananas. -- HDM

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