Warning: not about Pynchon

Henry M gravity at nicom.com
Tue Dec 3 13:25:08 CST 1996

Why is it OK for a "feminist" to generalize about feminsim, 
women, and men, but at the same time shout down any discourse that 
they disagree for the same generalization?

I do wish that you hadn't addressed your message to me. While I may 
be critical of Some tenets of Some feminists, I have never felt that 
there is Ever an invitation to be abused/raped, etc. If Paglia has 
ever suggested that there is, she is wrong and doing harm there.

"Please stop sending me hate male (oops, mail. Paging Freud!). "
Please be responsible and let the list know that I have not sent you 
any hate mail.

"And speaking of  victims, why don't you stop blaming women 
and feminists and take some  responsibility for your own hatred and sexism?" 
I hope this wasn't addressed to me. I respect you too much to believe 
that this is in response to any suggestion on my part that there are 
other flavors of feminism than the party line. Some are rabidly 
anti-male, some are Paglia-ish, etc.

"Or actually do  some studying on the subject?  (I'll happily suggest pertinent
 readings.)" Study and academe are great and important, but I don't 
think that they neccessarily negate thoughtful observations by the 
unwashed masses.

> Date:          Tue, 3 Dec 1996 09:30:47 -0600 (CST)
> From:          Diana York Blaine <dyb0001 at jove.acs.unt.edu>
> Reply-to:      Diana York Blaine <dyb0001 at jove.acs.unt.edu>
> To:            pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject:       Warning: not about Pynchon

> Well Henry, in answer to your question, it certainly WOULDN'T hurt some
> of these folks to take Women's Studies courses before spouting off
> about what is wrong with feminism, how there is no conventional male
> sexist view, and that Paglia is doing women some kind of favor. We women 
> don't need Paglia to rescue us from what one of you called our supposed
> Victorian victim obsession. This lie is part of the backlash against
> erasing centuries of male privilege. But when a woman gets drunk at a
> party and a group of men rapes her you better believe she's a VICTIM.
> The very fact that a woman can post to this list blaming someone who gets
> raped for getting raped reveals one male party line--accusing woman's
> sexuality for male reaction to it is as old as the Sirens and Eve. If a
> man leaves a party, drunk, and gets sodomized and beaten, are you going to
> rush forward to say tsk tsk what did he expect?  His butt and wallet were
> just right there, so tempting?  Sorry I didn't gloss "male party line" for
> those of you spoiling for a fight. I was trying to be brief.  Please stop
> sending me hate male (oops, mail. Paging Freud!). And speaking of victims,
> why don't you stop blaming women and feminists and take some  
> responsibility for your own hatred and sexism?  Or actually do some
> studying on the subject?  (I'll happily suggest pertinent readings.) Now I
> suppose I'll get a barrage of anti-edu. bluster.  Sorry if I continue to
> think some education on a topic helps (tv sound bites don't really count
> BTW.)  I guess I've just read too many "mindless" PhD theses (actually
> they're generally called dissertations) full of too much intelligent
> insight. -Diana (who isn't a victim because she won't let sexist bullies
> of either gender silence her)

Keep cool, but care. - TRP
Easier done than said. - HDM


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