
Joe Varo vjvaro at
Wed Dec 4 09:29:08 CST 1996

NOTE: Disregard other (incomplete) version of this some major
line noise and the message got transmitted before it was complete. 

In a previous post, Bonnie stated:
> Oh come on now.  Here on this list we are in the business of denouncing one
> another.  We understand (as Pynchon has made clear in his work) that even 
> among those who claim some kind of consensus, there are vast differences 
> that make the claim of "unity" laughable, in the end.  
> I am worried whenever I hear the term "feminist," and suppose that by 
> proclaiming that title only serves to codify "women."  Haven't we gotten 
> to the point of understanding "feminisms," rather?  Or simply, human rights?

I'm just trying to figure out "what is feminism(s)?"  Sometimes it seems
like a perfectly justifiable postion (equal rights), sometimes it sounds
questionable (when it seems to claim superiority), and sometimes I just
can't makes head or tail out of it.

DYB, in a previous post, stated that she could recommend some readings.  I
asked that she send me her list.  Maybe I'll gain some insight from it.

> I've kept very silent during this whole flamefest (don't say it's not).  

Yeah, it is a flamefest.

> Everyone so defensive (I'm guilty) and allegedly "concerned" over how to 
> speak in light of F.  Again, if Pynchon means anything to me, it's that 
> we can (should?) simply speak, however.  If we create a shitstorm, we 
> live with it.  In fact, it makes things interesting.
> [snip]
> Oh and we never squelch one another here, in the workplace, at home . . 
> .  It's life.  I get angry when this simply fact gets dumped in favor of 
> bashing F.

I'm not trying to bash feminism, just trying to get a grasp of what it is.
I get a bit perturbed when a system of thought claiming intellectual rigor
simply dismisses out of hand a competing/dissenting opinion.  I mean, it's
not as if Paglia is espousing ether or orgone theory.

Just because "squelching" goes on, doesn't make it right.

> > By simply refusing to discuss individual such as Paglia, rather than
> > presenting a rebuttal, the feminists who do so are attempting to silence
> > her.
> Common.  Heard it.  How many times have you neglected to speak to an 
> issue you felt was not worth mentioning, and if so, only worth a 
> derogatory glance? Personally, I don't speak about her because sometimes 
> she makes perfect sense, and at other times, she is raving.  How can I 
> speak of Paglia in one frame?  Impossible.  And because she's all over 
> the map, I don't care to try.  I *would* imagine it to be great to talk 
> with her over a cup (pot?) of coffee.

Agreed.  But I'd still like to hear more of a counter-argument than that
she is an asshole.

> I believe that these comments are primarily from Joe.

Joe...guilty as charged

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