GRGR (6): Ick Regis

LBernier at LBernier at
Thu Dec 5 09:46:31 CST 1996

Wow, I never understood that passage.  Always read it as +39 degrees, and 
wondered why there was frost at such a high temperature.  Of course, 39 degrees 
below the freezing point would indeed be -7 farenheit, but doesn't +39 F make 
more sense, given that it's England?

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Subject: RE: GRGR (6): Ick Regis
Author:  "John Burgess" <JFBurgess at> at Internet_tco
Date:    12/4/96 10:22 PM

A question:  "39 degrees of frost."  (Bantam, p.100):  That's seven 
below zero.  That's unreasonably cold for Minnesota in November or 
December (by mid-December the Scheldt was clear and there was fighting 
only in Holland proper, way to the north of Flanders), and 
lunatic-crazy cold for Kent in any month.  Why that number?
It's my understanding that the winter of 1944 was exceptionally cold, even in 
balmy Kent.

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