grad school fini

George Haberberger ghaberbe at
Sat Dec 7 06:02:33 CST 1996

At 09:55 AM 12/6/96 EST, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:
>Way I see it library school is the way to go.  learn about books, get to 
>be a generalist, make up bibliographies, drink with the ladies, no fuss 
>no mess, no "assholes" (for the most part), make no money but sure learn 
>alot, your job is to remember nothing, you react to others need, you are 
>priest and the ultimate anarchist, holders of the sacred word, destroyer 
>of ignorance, silent poets...
>think trp and joyce are a librarian's wet dream...

Sounds like "Name of the Rose" to me.


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