Be Grateful It's Just...

Steelhead sitka at
Wed Dec 11 09:46:38 CST 1996

Craig Clark opines:
>Oh, and did I
>forget to mention to colonialism?  Or support for anti-communist
>regimes that happen to be anti-human rights as well? And there's napalm
>and Agent Orange and the CIA shipping Nelson Mandela to the apartheid
>regime and ... oh, what the heck, I'm preaching to the converted here (I
>hope). Be grateful it's just a coupla beetles, foax.

Ah...those couple of beetles just happen to pose a threat to about 250
million acres of forest in North America. Tallied up in dollars the amount
is reckoned in the hundreds of billions. The ecological cost? Who knows. If
this forest goes down, the effect on global warming trends are almost
incalcuable. Certainly much of Malayasian will end up submergered--but who
cares, eh? The Third World's revenge? Perhaps. But the developing world's
forests are being destroyed to bring this about, indigenous people are
being forcibly relocated, and in many instances killed. The chemical and
nuclear industries are working hand in hand with the timber companies (as
any reader of GR's could guess). The chemical companies want to fumigate
the logs coming from Chile and other places with methyl bromide (one of the
deadlies chemicals around and an ozone depleter). The nuclear industry
wants to irradiate the logs with tritium. The pesticide industry says not
to worry it will develop a global spraying program with organo-phosphate
pesticides--the chemical descendents of Agent Orange, Sarin and Zyklon-b.

Yeah, you could say I'm grateful--with the millenium approaching and the
Rapture just around the corner. Grateful as hell.


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