the Voice of Steely

Wed Dec 11 08:56:53 CST 1996

David Casseres <casseres at> writes:
> One of the most heartbreaking examples I've read about is the 
> passage in Paul Theroux's _Happy Isles of Oceania_ about Cook Islanders, 
> who once had a particularly appealing version of Polynesian culture, 
> vegging out on the sofa and watching imported porno videos....
Reminds me of a photograph way back in a 1970s _National Geographic_, 
showing an Inuit hunkered down in his igloo for the night, playing 
with a battery-operated motor-racing track. One of the strangest and 
saddest photos I have seen.
Craig Clark

"Living inside the system is like driving across
 the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
 on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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