To Bee or Not To Bee
Byrnes Weir
weir at
Wed Dec 11 05:06:34 CST 1996
At 05:20 PM 12/10/96 -0600, Diana York Blaine wrote:
>According to something I once read somewhere, Killer Bees (who attack en
>masse and don't give up--you might think of them as the ultimate
>'net flamers) can be thwarted by throwing fistfuls of dirt up into the
>air. This, supposedly, from an African who was amused at our American
>can-do spirit in trying (unsuccessfully) to develop a poison or two
>that would kill those same bees dead. Africans?
>I recently saw a reference to an ex-Coke exec who credits his company with
>coming up with the "think globally, act locally" notion...In light of the
>last day's posts to the list it seems he may be right. But considering
>the inevitable relationship between the further edges of Far and the
>closest parts of Here that everyone has been elucidating so compellingly,
>I can't believe that this is the same list in which folks were so
>vehemently opposed the idea that everything is connected. Next you'll
>be telling me it a takes a village, for chrissakes. (Speaking of
>villages, thanks Chris. The Eagle has Landed) - Diana
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