Steel yourself

grip at grip at
Fri Dec 13 00:24:03 CST 1996

On Thu, 12 Dec 1996, Adam J. Thornton wrote:

> Steelhead writes:
> > Not true. Edward Teller doesn't give a damn about economics or GDP. His
> > obsession is nuclear weapons.
> Quite apart from any fights I'm having with any list members about
> objectivity and whether it is a meaningful concept, the creepiest lecture I
> ever, ever watched was Edward Teller telling a roomful of people that
> scientists have absolutely no moral responsibility with respect to the
> things they create.

Here's Hardin on morals from his Commons essay:

"The morality of an act is a function of the state of the system at the 
time it is performed."

In other words, situation ethics.


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