GRGR(7) Discussion Opener

Henry M gravity at
Fri Dec 13 20:49:51 CST 1996

On 13 Dec 96 at 13:23, ckaratnytsky at wrote:

>      17.)  " ' "The White Visitation" is fine' she said, and stepped
>      into the void...."  [ellipses TRP]
>      Katje's statement exactly mirrors the words of cliff-jumper Reg
>      Le Froyd in the previous episode.  What's this all about?  The
>      "tarnished silver crown" that Katje seems to be wearing
>      throughout this episode may also connect her to Reg:  Is Katje
>      playing Ice Queen to Reg's Ice King?

After he loses his identity, Slothrop will step into the void of 
Katje's room in that much discussed, and I feel most poignant in GR, 
scene at the Casino. Hmmm

>      23.)  "The camera follows as she moves deliberately nowhere
>      [...] her hair not bluntly Dutch at all, but secured in a
>      modish upsweep with an old, tarnished silver crown...."
>      The Mandala/circle closes as the episode ends with a repetition
>      of its opening words.  The film, then being shot, is now being
>      watched by octopus Grigori as part of his conditioning regimen.
>       Slothrop will *rescue* Katje from Grigori's *attack* in the
>      opening of Part 2.  Comments about this?
I picture Katje as a Warhol ice queen (cream?) model/woman, maybe Nico. 
Whadya think?

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner

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