hello walls

Diana York Blaine dyb0001 at jove.acs.unt.edu
Fri Dec 13 23:25:28 CST 1996

Oh Heikki how we of the Benighted Yahoo faction favor your words of grace.
But something that He said in His last post to Earth now causes me great
concern:  Pynchon, He warned, is not on my "side." Unregenerate, yes,
reprobate, surely, but on the wrong side of Pynchon? Tonight I will
tremble as I close my eyes lest break of day ne'er come and instead I
find myself ripped from Academic limbo and cast straight into
Harlequin-Novel Hell. Perhaps if I say 300 Oedipa Maas's?  Bless me Father
for I have signed,

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