hello walls

Cal McInvale calm at tpdinc.com
Wed Dec 18 14:46:45 CST 1996

At 1:32 PM -0800 12/13/96, Diana York Blaine wrote:

     Just want everyone to know that I have resigned from my job because that
     journalist on the list has exposed me for the total incompetent that I am.
     Since I cannot tell the difference between students who were honestly
     engaged in my course for the last 16 weeks and those sucking my dick for
     an A (did that really WORK for you Steely?) I have decided to stop
     teaching and do whatever it is that I am supposed to do so that I will be
     OK with our omniscient ruler.  Just lemme know what that is, though, ok?
     Because I thought my life was fulfilling and interesting and here I have
     found out it isn't!  And that I don't read Freud!  Or Foucault!  Or my
     dear friend Norman O. Brown!  In all seriousness, Merry Christmas and
     farewell Steely baby.  While I can sling it  with the best of 'em, I
     have learned that jousting with those who fight for the sake of fighting
     itself ceases at a certain point to be fun. Best wishes to you and your
     family. And hey, maybe you're right!

Jeez. Grow UP, wouldya?

cal mcinvale                      entropy specialist
calm at tpdinc.com                   tpd publishing inc.

Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you,
sometimes the government gets both of you.

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