
RedBug redbug at hyperarts.com
Sat Dec 21 12:43:22 CST 1996

Was I the only one who had a problem with:

>Compare this attitude, then, to the foul-mouthed, smug-as-ice, and
>ultimately meaningless screeds of Diane York Blaine (a teacher who
>disgustinglyt demeans her own students in order to project herself [snip]
>as bringing feminist Enlightenment to the befuddled populace of N. Texas,
>whose latest maliced missive is a perfect metonymy for the elitist orb of
her so-called disciple. [&c. &c.]

I read this post from Jeff St. Clair (aka Steelhead) regarding what began
as a somewhat reasoned discussion and couldn't believe the resounding
silence with which it was met on this list. I followed this thread and S's
vicious, ad
hominem attack on Ms. York, though not without historical precedent, seemed
to go WAY over the top. This is a fairly old tactic of the Steelheaded one,
to enter a discussion, or perhaps dangle a provoking, extremely binary
opinion, and then if everyone doesn't fall into his line, steps up the
insults and name-calling (Steely's got the act of naming DOWN, my friends),
slips comfortably into hyper-demonizing and then, when someone throws a
little cold water in his face, slinks away for a couple of months (or
sometimes just threatens to -- "oh no, Steely, please don't leave"). 

I like this group and find SH vastly more intolerable than even the 
fabled Koopman.
There's a lesson, dear Steely, in that book we all admire so much,
regarding Kindness. You once cleverly retorted when you were awhile back
accused of in danger of being perceived as an asshole (when you made
derogatory remarks about anyone who would read and enjoy DFW's IJ), that
you saw yourself as Pig Bodine. You remind me much more of a left-wing
Major Marvy. I fondly recall when I had the temerity to defend an idea with
which you absolutely disagreed and found myself on the receiving end of one
of your screeds; in fact, I think you came after me several times (without
my even having to participate). You must be great fun at a party (perhaps
more relaxed if it's a group of students rather than a group of
professors). You
should re-read the your 12/15/96 message entitled "In the Jungle The Indian
Knows All." Substitute your name for Ms. Blaine's. It's a remarkable fit. 

I know it may be a bit too boring for you to just participate in this
group without picking fights and deploying your clever-but-often-specious
attacks. I don't mind arguing about ideas, and attacking ideas, but you all
too often go after people, categorizing and demonizing them. It is really
the kind of tactic I would think would be beneath someone of your obvious


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