Tipper, Rush and the Ice People

Steelhead sitka at teleport.com
Mon Dec 30 19:21:53 CST 1996

Henry defends Western C.:

>I simply opined that strong censorial ad hominum message such
>as some by you to Blaine has a greater "chilling effect" than does
>suggesting civility, which has been called censorship  by some
>lister. I really believe that putting the civility in civilization
>is, in general, a good thing.

Ah, then we have reached an unbridgeable impasse. For I believe the
deadliest big C isn't Cancer, but Western Civilization. To be "civil" is to
submit to governance by the rules of a "civilization" (read: global
pacification project) that is trending toward the annihilation of Eros, of
the Life Force, of the Other. You can wage your war with WC in anger (ala
Stokely Carmichael) or through absurdity (ie., Abbie Hoffman and Dylan) or
in a careful blending of the two (ie., Pynchon). But for God's sake, man,
at least put up some kind of resistance. Damn.

That's why I *be* all for Ebonics.


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