Pynchon Gets Stoned,Loses Lottery Ticket

Paul Mackin mackin at
Mon Jan 1 19:38:08 CST 1996

On Mon, 1 Jan 1996, Cal Godot wrote:

> Can someone tell me where it is that Pynch mentions being tweaked while
> writing most of Gravity's Rainbow? I'm poring through my books & can't find
> it anywhere! The only place I can figger that it could be is that letter he
> wrote to that guy about Herero and other stuff; I don't have a copy of
> that.
> Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

There's a very brief mention of something like that in the Jules Siegel 
article from Playboy.

It's in the May-June 1995 P-list archive on the Pomona College
Pynchon Web Site.


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