vBraun quote

Juan Cires Martinez jcm at mat.upm.es
Wed Jan 3 10:07:00 CST 1996

We can read in The Book:

  "So was the Rocket's terrible passage reduced, literally, to bourgeois
   terms, terms of an equation such as that elegant blend of philosophy
   and hardware, abstract change and hinged pivots of real metals which
   describes motion under the aspect of yaw control:

          d^2/phi/        d/phi/  /d/L                       /d/R
   /theta/ ---- + /delta/* ---- + ---- (s_1 - s_2)/alfa/ = - ---- s_3 /beta/
	   dt^2             dt  /d//alfa/                 /d//beta/
   preserving, possesing, steering between Scylla and Charybdis the
   whole way to Brennschluss."

And I am sure that this has something to say wrt the discussion about
science and philosophy, but I can't really say what...

Saludos, Juan.

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