Vineland typo?

Tim Johnson tjohnson at
Wed Jan 3 10:08:08 CST 1996

Joining this group (a few weeks ago) has prompted me to reread _Vineland_,
and already I'm thrown by Zoyd's comment on p. 12 of my Minerva (red spine)
edition. He's just jumped thru the sugar glass window that he thought was
real, and gasps

'Euchred again, Hector, thanks.'

Bearing in mind the alleged 'basher'/'kosher' typo in _Lot 49_ (where,
remembering Pentecostal motif, any 'Euch/r-' words would be more apt),
shouldn't this be 'suchred again' - i.e. 'deceived (suckered) by means of
sugar glass (suchre)?' If so, an easy mistake: 'E' and 'S' are, after all,
keybd neighbours.

Apologies if this a) is a minor quibble or b) has already been discussed.


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