first post

GSnodd at GSnodd at
Sat Jan 6 20:03:41 CST 1996

Hey, folks.

this is my first post to the list.  Just read the big novel last month for
the first time, but read all the others before that one.  

The quote about "V2 was, by far, the greater terror weapon.  The fact that it

could not be heard -- as accurately reported in GR -- was what really 
 pushed people to the edge.  The "reversal of cause and effect" was extremely
unnerving." from John Burgess.....well....

that reminds me of something that happens here.  Lightning.  Any takers on
Lightning - Rockets, Lightning usually coinciding with rain, in _Gr's R_ ?  

If you here a bolt, you're safe.  It dint hit you.  

Best of all.  

I didnt' mean to bug ya.

William Miller

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