COL49 Paperback Cover

Tresy Kilbourne tresyk at
Sun Jan 7 11:37:12 CST 1996

>Found a tacky paperback printed in the early to mid-70s (after GR) of
>COL49 by Bantam.  The cover is this silly "psychedelic-paisley-Peter
>Max-Yellow Submarine" thing of a dancing hip and with it gogo girl and a
>drummer.  Was Pynchon marketed during the 60s and 70s as a "60s"
>novelist?  In any event, this cover is too funny.

FWIW I always found that cover more appropos to the cartoon-like atmo of
COL49 than the "Echo Courts" version, which is blandly realistic and
thematically nondescript.

Tresy Kilbourne
Seattle WA
"There was a time in this great country when the word crackpot really meant
something."  --Ann Richards

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