original Lot 49 paperback

John Roca tribe at primenet.com
Sun Jan 7 14:22:46 CST 1996

OOOPS...my apologies all!  Didn't mean to denigrate the book.  When I 
discovered Pynchon it was the '90s and I sort of expected his paperback 
artwork to be "literary" (whatever the hell that means).  I was just 
amused when I saw the '60s "retro" artwork.  By no means was I intending 
to implicitly praise staid "literary" paperback cover artwork.  In any 
event, I think that I'm entitled to some leeway...I was born in '57, too 
young to be  hippy and too old to be a punk when it counted.  For what 
its worth, I did buy the old papercak.  :)

Regardless, no offense taken.


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