Grant White ulgw at
Mon Jan 8 16:31:45 CST 1996

Ah Books and covers,

As a poor and relatively young antipodean, my COL49 is a humble Picador 
reprint with fairly dull cover, I was much more interested in the 
contents at the time.

Now regarding cover art, the venerable and luscious magazine Graphis will 
often feature a designer or artist with reproductions of the odd book 
cover. Most seem to read the book but that fact alone seldom influences 
the end product, they prefer to stick to a design idea of their own. 
Given the massive significance of "look" and "appearance" in our visually 
driven marketing based culture (is that an oxymoron?) it is telling that 
professional designers are used to dress books up for an audience. When 
looking at the descriptions of the different TRP covers, they have 
changed a lot over the years, but the content has not.

Secondly, I remember, as a kid hooked on Hardy Boys and Three 
Invesitgator stories, the thrill of recognising the cover art in the 
story. Almost like a comic I suppose.


--                                                                       -
Grant White                        |
Multi-media & Special Collections  |
Librarian                          | Internet:ulgw at 
The Central Coast Campus           |
Information Resource Centre        | Ph  (intl+61+43) 484026
University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA | Fax (intl+61+43) 484215

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