
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt hag at iafrica.com
Mon Jan 8 18:45:51 CST 1996

Greg Montalbano writes:
> "Don't get the idea that a scientist is allowed to see the relativity of the
> paradigms" --- I'm sure many don't see outside their own specialization;  but
> I also know that, just as Pynchon isn't ONLY a writer, Einstein, Hawking and
> von Braun aren't ONLY scientists;  their attempts at reconciling some of the
> allegedly incompatible world views of their respective times & places
> appeals to someone like me, who believes in the accretive nature of knowledge
> and experience.
> I agree that some of them are more successful that others, but hey, what do
> you expect from fuzzy-thinking commie pinko queer liberal tree-huggers like
> me?

And I thought _I_ was the furry-thinking commie pinko queer liberal 
tree-spiking one! As a final thought (maybe) on this stubborn! 
debate, how about this: It's ONE world, but many paradigms to 
vivisect it with. Some are useful, some are more useful, some just 
are - and others simply shouldn't be around anymore. Oh well....

hag at iafrica.com

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