Fwd: Re: RE: Unchristian COL49

RICHARD ROMEO RR.TFCNY at mail.fdncenter.org
Thu Jan 11 16:07:56 CST 1996

The inside cover of my paisley COL49 includes a blurb from the Library

Journal that reads, in part: "Conservative readers may be confused and

somewhat appalled by the sexual frankness, but mature readers interested 

something new and different will find good reading well done here."  

to me that should be "good writing well done here", but it's not.)  It's 

"unchristian", but maybe it's what you remember.

steve klinge

Yup, that's the quote (I guess i mix up Unchristian and Conservative on a 
fairly regular basis-of course it could've been the thai stick which was 
probably grown in Clifton, NJ for all I know.).  You know I did look for 
TRP in Northern California- though he was probably living in NYC by that 
time (summer 1994) which is where I live-our destination Eureka (stood on 
the corner mentioned where Zoyd waits for his ride in the VW? (can't 

Anyone think he'll write an autobiography before he leaves this humble 
planet of ours or let someone into his inner sanctum and write a 
definitive bio (or would it be?).  

forward re re forward


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