daddaist (auto)biography of TRP

Chris Stolz cstolz at
Sat Jan 13 13:41:34 CST 1996

> .* He likes to sleep late, and normally has breakfast between 11 and 
> 12 in a small cafe serving good coffee.

	Absolutely not.  He's not a yuppie twerp and he likes to
cook his own food.

> * He has a wine collection, which is not terribly good but gives him 
> much pleasure, both in the purchasing and drinking.  He prefers dry 
> red wine, unless it's very hot. Then he drinks iced tea or lemonade, 
> which he makes himself.

	No.  he drinks beer.  He's not a yuppie twerp.

> * He has no kids and has never been married, but he has various old 
> flames with whom he is still on good terms.

	Nope.  Lives in NYC, is married, has a kid.

> * He uses an old 286 computer and a word processor nobody's ever 
> heard of called Galaxy, although he is considering switching to 
> WordPerfect, on the recomendation of his publisher.

	Nope.  Uses an old Smith-Corona.

> * He has never smoked marijuana.


> * His taste in music is rather eclectic - Bizet next to the Beatles, 
> the Grateful Dead next to Manu Dibangu. His favourite live music is 
> jazz, and he loves sitting in small intimate jazz clubs listening to 
> a three piece band jam, while eating garlic bread and drinking wine.

	No.  The Beatles bore him (as they would anybody who
appraciates Parker and Coltane) he prefers the VU or the Stones, 
the Dead are tedious
self-indulgent '60s retro, and there are no small intimate jazz
clubs where you can see good music anymore-- that was the '50s,
this is now.  He doesn't drink wine.

	My own image of Mr. Pynchon is as you can see somewhat
more proletarian than yours.  My ideas about what he does:

1) makes his own beer.
2) has about five TV sets in his house (also at least one vcr)
3) fridge full of Cheetos and Pepsi
4) plays hoop with the locals
5) spends more time at the video and comic book stores than
   anywhere else
6) recently bought a minicam and is making movies of his kid
7) has a favorite stool at a local watering hole whose TV is
   tuned to Yankees games

chris stolz		16 oakview pl. sw calgary ab canada t2v-3z9
cstolz at	(403) 281-6794

"But you must admit that our ignorance is manifestly of a very rich 
and varied sort?" said Ulrich.

			Robert Musil, _The Man Without Qualities_		

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