Autobiography cntnd.

GSnodd at GSnodd at
Mon Jan 15 08:18:15 CST 1996

Hey again.

Chris Stolz wrote, in the dadaist autobiography of Pynchon:

+++++++Nope.   ( TP ) Lives in NYC, is married, has a kid++++++.

Can't see how the broad and the kid fit in.  Women and children talk too
much.  That could ruin Tom's ride.  I think this is the least likely
situation mentioned so far.

Locale is more positive, though:    NYC is the perfect setting; where better
to be forgotten, invisible, or unnoticed?  

I figure he is single and unattached.  Shares a house in Queens with a guy
named Peter, who works as an accountant.  All the bills are in Peter's name.
 Peter is a neat freak, and with the exception of 2 of the 3 bedrooms
upstairs, which are "Tommie's", Peter keeps the house spick and span.  Peter
doesn't read fiction, but Tommie gets him a gift certificate to a bookstore
for his birthday annually, which Peter uses to buy a French Impressionists
Wall Calendar, and a Consumer Reports Annual Guide, and occasionally a how-to
book on origami.

Peter knows Tommie 'writes stories', but Peter's never been interested in
fiction, and he's never read any of Tom's fiction, but occasionally, Tom goes
to Peter, asking for Peter to provide a character name.....

TP doesn't know the name of Peter's employer, much less his work phone #.

TP writes at home, but sometimes also writes at "work" which is space rented
from a locksmith, a back room off the smith's workspace with some countertop
and no natural light.  The locksmith thinks TP is a translator. 

The locksmith calls his lessee "Tommie".

The locksmith's name is Zoyd.

William Miller

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