playboy article

BICKMAN MARTIN bickman at Colorado.EDU
Wed Jan 17 09:34:41 CST 1996

I think you might be thinking of the last article in _The Vinland 
Papers_--I forget the author right now, but it's a pretty good placing of 
Pynchon in the 60s culture along with some anecdotal stuff about going to 
a party with Pynchon.

Marty Bickman

On Tue, 16 Jan 1996, JM wrote:

> The Playboy article was on the Pynchon-L archives for May-June '95 along with some 
> discussions re: copywrite law.  I printed myself a copy.  I believe back issues of that 
> particular Playboy issue are still available (for 40 or 50 dollars) from the Playboy catalog 
> that keeps showing up in my mailbox.  
> There is one posting from somewhere in the archives I'd like to look at again.  Can 
> anyone remember where the account is located of a party where someone met a 
> person claiming to be TRP?   I also remember there being an extraordinary 
> ice-sculpture there, if that triggers any memories.
>                                                            -jm

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