Pynchonesque Movies

Noah M. Williams m1nmw00 at FRB.GOV
Fri Jan 19 10:05:05 CST 1996

> If any film is "Pynchonesque", EUROPA is.  Like a Pynchon book, I have no 
> idea what it is really about, but it sure feels and looks good!  It is 
> available on video in the US.  Indeed, its depiction of imeediate 
> post-war Germany tends to reveal that the director or writer may have 
> read GR with its talk of the Zone and werewolves and all.  A fantastic 
> film..although I am still trying to figure it out.

FYI, "Europa" is known as "Zentropa" in the U.S. in order
to avoid confusion with Holland's "Europa, Europa".

I second the recommendation of the film, but I do get tired of people
here on the list comparing everything (music, TV, movies, other writers,
dreams, gators,...) to Pynchon.

--Noah Williams (m1nmw00 at

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