new G.R. ??

Chris Sweet csweet at
Fri Jan 19 10:40:27 CST 1996

GSnodd at wrote:
> Hi folks.  William Miller here.
> You've sorted out the "remainders" thang without my help.  They'll charge
> whatever they think the book can fetch.  Apparently someone thought that Tom
> was going to be the next Stephen King (in sales, lets hope)...... I work in a
> bookstore (2 at the moment, in fact) and I'm pulling up Pynchon on the store
> computer almost every week, just to get a pre-glimpse of what might be coming
> out in the future.
> Ever since November, there has been a listing for a new $25.00 edition of
> _Gravity's Rainbow_, due out 11/95.  Yes, that's two months ago.  It still is
> listed as 11/95, and those are the computers for WaldenBooks and all other
> Borders Bookstores subs, like Brentano's, Coopersmiths, et cetera.  Of
> course, I havent' seen the book yet, and the data indicates that the
> warehouses have not yet received it. When something like this happens,
> usually production has been held up
> I was wondering if someone else knew about this whole deal.
> Why a new edition?  $25 ?  That's a hardback price, although not a steep one
> for that novel.
> Gravity's Rainbow ranks among the most pricey of paperbacks, but $25 for a
> paperback would be outrageous, although I would have expected higher for a
> hardback.
> What do you folks think is in the works?
> William Miller
> PS there is listed a 3-novels-bound set, I think 49/V/Vineland, or 49/V/G.R.,
> and I was wondering if any of you had that one.    If so, what does the cover
> look like?
> PPS Does the re-printing of the big novel herald another book on the horizon?

	I work at a Barnes and Noble and we've had the book on order
for longer than that...since early September I believe. I could be tied
in somehow to the new paberback version of GR that came out this past
summer. I don't think it necessarily means a new book is coming out
since he is with a different publisher now.


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