A puzzler from BusinessWeek

LBernier at tribune.com LBernier at tribune.com
Wed Jan 24 17:48:32 CST 1996

Andrew writes:


It's more his parodies of branding and advertising which stick e.g. 
Count Chocula, The Marquis de Sod, The Cucumber Lounge. Now what was the 
make of that petite little ladies saw with the mother-of-pearl inlay on 
the handle and guard?

Hey, Count Chocula's a bonafide registered TM cartoon character - the 
spokesman for a hideously sweet chocolate coated cold cereal that made 
chocolate milk in the bowl when you mixed it up, and drove little kids 
to the edge of insanity with the sugar buzz it would create.  The same 
company was also responsible for FRANKENBERRY cereal. . .

And now, back to your regularly scheduled oat bran . . .


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