a lurker awakes
Arie Altena
ariealt at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 25 06:17:37 CST 1996
Okay, okay, I've been a lurker for about half a year now & I never said
anything. It's not that I have nothing to say....having read TRP's works
more than once -the best month of my life was when I read GR lying in the
Vondelpark in Amsterdam (a sunny may)-....I'm a big fan of Pynchon and
should have had my PhD thesis that deals with a.o. Gibson, DeLillo and
Vollmann ready by now (but it isn't), so,
what might interest you all is that Pynchon's books are really everywhere
& then I mean everywhere. A friend of mine went off to Papua New Guinea,
to the jungle,to a tiny village in the mountains that you can only reach
by plane. Of course there's a catholic priest living there. He meets this
priest & takes a look at his bookshelf (you starve for new books in the
jungle) -of course it's filled with catholic stuff and bibles. And, yes,
really: there it is: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon surrounded by
all the catholic stuff. Who has been there and put it there? What does a
catholic priest in the jungle do with GR? Or is it only a sign for my
friend, that he now has to read GR?
Arie Altena
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