
Susan M Danewitz danewitz at u.Arizona.EDU
Sat Jan 27 12:57:37 CST 1996

Paul Di Filippo:
 > was roughly triangular in shape.  On a white background in blue
 > letters was "Yoyodyne Aerospace", and its logo of a 'Sixties
 > era rocket orbiting the earth.  I suspect this was a relic from
 > the film BUCKAROO BANZAI, but never asked and
 > can't ask now.  
I've been meaning to beg the Pynchon folks for a clue to this, as well.
Do you think Buckaroo possibly could have been Pynchon-influenced,
and if not, what is the generator of both these Yoyodynes?

I suspect it will take reaching back into deep 1940s/1950s collective
unconciousness, but Im confident you folks know the answer.  now, tell.

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